Monday, September 27, 2010

Class Reflections

     Overall, I have enjoyed my learning experience in our Learning and Assessment class.  I'm not going to lie, the title of the class sounds extremely boring.  And when we first walked in and had to find our way to our tables using the weird directions we got I definitely thought it would be a class where we participated in annoying activities that none of us really enjoyed.  Basically, I thought it would be one of those classes where all students want to do is take the notes and get out.  However, when we started talking about why we went back to the same seats the second day I was intrigued, and from that point on I found the class to be extremely different from what I had expected.  I love how the lessons we are taught about the different learning theories are taught incorporating ideas from the learning theories-- it makes the theories much easier to understand!  And I also love the example lessons, such as the lesson on moon phases-- this is the example I refer to when thinking about DLT.  One other thing I enjoy is the amount of connecting that we do in class-- for example, instead of sending us home to think about how the different learning theories connect and writing them into a paper Professor Kruse had us draw up maps connecting the theories-- this visual representation and group work really helped me to better understand the concept.  
     There aren't many thing about the class I don't like.  I still feel a little uncomfortable with the idea of how we are graded because I'm not used to it, but I'm hoping to get more acquainted with it as the class goes on.  Other than that I have found the class to be extremely interesting, partly because of the content and partly because of how it is being taught.  The one thing I would possibly request more of would be more group activities, like creating web maps, because sometimes simply talking with a group about a subject doesn't connect with me as well as performing tasks together that visually pop into my head and help me remember-- DLT anyone?


  1. I actually had the same first impression of the class, truth be told. I remember other students telling me that it was going to be the most painful education class I was to take. The class seating is an interesting point to bring up, and it's something I think we can apply to teaching our future students- thinking about thinking is important. It's only when we question our past experiences and knowledge that we can really make progress.

  2. I agree, I haven't taken hardly any notes in this class, but I feel like I have learned a lot more than many of my other classes where I have taken pages upon pages of notes. In this class we use the little time that we do have in the class in a very productive manner. We don't waste time on "meaningless activities" (I thought we would at first too). This learning that has taken place is explained by the way that our minds work. We learn the best when teaching is informed by all the learning theories which I believe has happened in our Learning and Assessment class.

  3. I like your point about the moon phases lesson. Anytime I have trouble grasping DLT, I always refer back to that activity. Most of the time examples I do in any other class I usually forget and really don't pay any attention to. That one really got my attention and helped me realize how DLT is used in class. The concept maps are also really useful too. I know Professor Kruse doesn't believe in like "visual" learners, but seeing the concepts all drawn out and how they connect to each other is defiantly a big help. It is an abstract concept but it has helped me make things more concrete in my understanding.
